SPYAFH COVID19 Ready to Play Plan 11/11/20
SPYA Field Hockey
COVID19 Ready to Play Plan
updated 11/11/20
SPYAFH’s primary objective is to abide by all guidelines and restrictions set forth by the Pennsylvania state government and the CDC. We will determine which phase is appropriate based on guidance from the SPYA Board of Directors and State Government.
Cooperation and Responsibility
Each stakeholder as outlined below has a responsibility to cooperate within the framework of this plan.
SPYAFH Commissioner
- Distribute and post Return to Play protocols and SPYA COVID-19 protocols.
- Train and educate all coaches, parents, and players about Return to Play protocols and SPYA COVID-19 protocols.
- Provide adequate field space for social distancing.
- Provide all needed sanitizing materials to teams.
- Act as the designated Point of Contact for SPYAFH Coaches and parents regarding COVID19 protocols.
- Follow all SPYAFH Return to Play protocols and SPYA COVID-19 protocols.
- Send athletes home if they are not feeling well and communicate this to SPYAFH Commissioner.
- Ensure all athletes have their own individual equipment.
- Ensure activities provide adequate social distancing as described in each phase.
- If you are not comfortable having your child return to play, then please keep them home this season. There will be another opportunity to play in the future, and we will welcome them back at that time.
- Ensure all personal player equipment is sanitized prior to any team activity.
- Notify SPYAFH Coach or SPYAFH Commissioner if your child becomes ill or shows any symptoms of COVID-19.
- Adhere to all social distancing expectations while on the sidelines.
- Support SPYAFH’s mission to ensure the safety of all players, coaches, and spectators by following all protocols and encouraging a positive team culture.
- If you are not comfortable with returning to play, please know that there will be another opportunity to play later when you are ready. We will welcome you back whenever that time comes.
- Adhere to all Return to Play Protocols and SPYA COVID-19 protocols.
- Wash hands and utilize hand sanitizer before, during, and after team activities.
- Ensure that you bring all of your own equipment (including a towel) to each practice and that it is sanitized prior to arrival.
- Place your personal equipment towel 6 feet apart from teammates and keep your equipment designated to that towel.
- Do not share food, water, or equipment with teammates.
- Respect and practice social distancing as required in these guidelines.
- No celebratory physical contact such as high fives, handshakes, knuckles, or group huddles.
Detailed Phase Plan
Phase 1 (Red)
Phase 1 allows for virtual contact and communication only.
Phase 2 (Yellow) (Socially distanced/Modified Training Environment)
* If a player/coach thinks they are sick, stay home! Specifically: symptoms of acute respiratory disease (ex. cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), fever, sudden loss of smell or taste, OR been diagnosed with COVID19 (which would follow state-mandated quarantined requirements). If a coach, administrator, or official has a concern about a player’s health, they have the ability to send the player home.
Social Distancing
- All trainings will be conducted outdoor and will consist of small group (10 players and 2 coaches) trainings.
- Trainings will have proper social distancing for each player and coach at all times.
- Trainings limited to non-contact activities (ex. individual skills, fitness, etc)
- No physical contact including huddles, handshakes, and high-fives.
- Only players rostered on the specific team may be on the field. No scrimmages or guests at team trainings.
- Parents and spectators must follow government social distancing guidelines. It is recommended that spectators remain in vehicle during practice, but if they wish to be present, they must maintain adequate social distance and proper masking at all times and must be far enough away from the team so that they are not counted as part of the gathering.
- Equipment should be disinfected before and after trainings. Sanitizing items will be provided by SPYA Field Hockey within each team’s equipment bag. Where possible, communal equipment should be handled only by the coach.
- In addition to the required equipment for field hockey, each player and coach will also be required to bring a towel or blanket which will be used to designate their personal area for equipment. This will aide coaches and players with social distancing and keep player equipment separate.
- Hand sanitizer should be utilized by all players and coaches before, during, and after trainings.
- Face coverings are required for coaches and other team personnel unless wearing one jeopardizes their health.
Phase 3 (Yellow)
* If a player/coach thinks they are sick, stay home! Specifically: symptoms of acute respiratory disease (ie cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), fever, sudden loss of smell or taste, OR been diagnosed with COVID19(which would follow state-mandated quarantined requirements). If a coach, administrator, or official has a concern about a player’s health, they have the ability to send the player home.
Social Distancing
- All trainings will be conducted outdoors and will consist of medium group (less than 25 persons) trainings.
- Modified intra-squad scrimmages/practice with limited closeness and contact.
- Trainings will utilize social distancing during warm up, conditioning, and individual skills.
- No celebratory physical contact including huddles, handshakes, and high-fives.
- Only players rostered on the specific team may be on the field. No scrimmages or guests at team trainings.
- Parents and spectators must follow government social distancing guidelines. Parents who are present during practice must maintain adequate social distance and proper masking at all times and must be far enough away from the team so that they are not counted as part of the gathering.
- Equipment should be disinfected before and after trainings. Sanitizing items will be provided by SPYA Field Hockey within each team’s equipment bag. Where possible, communal equipment should be handles by the coach.
- In addition to the required equipment for field hockey, each player and coach will also be required to bring a towel or blanket which will be used to designate their personal area for equipment. This will aide coaches and players with social distancing and keep player equipment separate.
- Hand sanitizer should be utilized by all players and coaches before, during, and after trainings.
- Face coverings are required for coaches and other team personnel unless wearing one jeopardizes their health.
Phase 4 (Green) (Full Training Environment)
* If a player/coach thinks they are sick, stay home! Specifically: symptoms of acute respiratory disease (ex cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), fever, sudden loss of smell or taste, OR been diagnosed with COVID19 (which would follow state-mandated quarantined requirements). If a coach, administrator, or official has a concern about a player’s health, they have the ability to send the player home.
Social Distancing
- All trainings will be conducted outdoors and will consist of medium group (less than 50 persons) trainings.
- Competition may resume with other SPYAFH teams and teams from the local area.
- Trainings will utilize social distancing during warm up, conditioning, and individual skills.
- No celebratory physical contact including huddles, handshakes, and high-fives.
- Only players rostered on the specific team may be on the field.
- Parents and spectators must follow government social distancing and masking guidelines. Parents who are present during practice/games must maintain adequate social distance at all times.
- In addition to the required equipment for field hockey, each player and coach will also be required to bring a towel or blanket which will be used to designate their personal area for equipment. This will aide coaches and players with social distancing and keep player equipment separate.
- Hand sanitizer should be utilized by all players and coaches before, during, and after trainings.
- Face coverings are required for coaches and other team personnel unless wearing one jeopardizes their health.
Phase 5 (Green) (Tournaments/Resumption of Full Program)
* If a player/coach thinks they are sick, stay home! Specifically: symptoms of acute respiratory disease (ex cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), fever, sudden loss of smell or taste, OR been diagnosed with COVID19 (which would follow state-mandated quarantined requirements). If a coach, administrator, or official has a concern about a player’s health, they have the ability to send the player home.
- Trainings may be conducted indoors or outdoors and will allow large groups (more than 50 persons)
- Competition and tournaments may resume.
- Pennsylvania State Guidance for All Sports Permitted to Operate During the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency to Ensure the Safety and Health of Employees, Athletes and the Public; https://www.governor.pa.gov/covid-19/sports-guidance/
- CDC Considerations for Youth Sports; https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/youth-sports.html
- USA Field Hockey Return to Play Guidelines; https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Field-Hockey/Features/2020/May/21/USA-Field-Hockeys-Return-to-Play-Guidelines
- US Lacrosse Return to Play Guidelines; https://www.uslacrosse.org/return-to-play
- MYSA Return to Play Guidelines; https://www.mnyouthsoccer.org/page/show/5759371-return-to-play