SPYA Mission Statement
South Parkland Youth Association is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose mission it is to provide our neighborhood youth with an opportunity to develop teamwork, sportsmanship, character, and community spirit through the challenge and enjoyment of team sports. Our chief goal is to create a culture where kids love to participate in sports, and feel proud to wear an SPYA uniform. We are located in Allentown, PA.
For more information about when registration is available for the various sports that we offer, click the "New to SPYA?" link on the left hand side of this page.
New to SPYA?
SPYA - Who Are We?
South Parkland Youth Association (SPYA) is a non-profit organization which provides sports programs for boys and girls, ages 4 to 18. The sports currently offered are Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Field Hockey, Football, Lacrosse, Soccer, and Softball.
When our Sport Programs are offered:
Spring (baseball, t-ball and blastball) and Fall (baseball only) sport, with opportunities in both travel and intramural programs. Registrations held in January and May of each year. Spring teams are formed in late March; practices start early April, with games being held from May to June. Fall teams are formed in June with games from August through October.
Winter sport, with opportunities in both travel and intramural programs. Registration held in September of each year. Teams are formed in mid-November, and games are played from January to March.
Fall sport only, with opportunities in both intramural and competition programs. Registration held in May of each year.
Field Hockey
Fall sport for Tiny's (K-2) only. However, we do offer both a fall and spring program for girls in grades 3/4 and 5/6. See our field hockey web page for more details.
Fall sport (please see our Football page on this site for more info on the different age and weight category team breakdowns). Registration held in May of each year.
Spring program with additional training offered throughout the year. Please contact the Commissioner for additional details.
Spring softball, with opportunities in both intramural and travel programs. Registration held in January of each year. Fall softball is also offered with registration held in May of each year.
Fall and Spring sport, with opportunities in both intramural and travel programs. Note: Travel is a 2 season commitment, with tryouts in June of each year. Fall registration is in May, and Spring is in January.
All registrations are done via our website and payment is made via PayPal.
- January (Baseball, Softball, Spring Soccer, Field Hockey, Lacrosse)
- May (Fall Baseball, Cheerleading, Football, Fall Soccer, Fall Softball, Field Hockey)
- September (Basketball)
Electronic flyers are distributed to each Parkland School District elementary and middle schools, the month prior to each registration, with the specific dates, times, location, and other sport-specific info. We also advertise the registration dates on our webpage. There are a few occasions where an additional registration is added for a specific sport needs; flyers will be distributed and the website updated for these dates as well.

360 Grange Rd.
Allentown, PA 18069