SPYA Soccer  Safe Return to Play Plan

Scope: The COVID-19 virus is easily transmitted, especially in group settings. Infected asymptomatic individuals or those with mild symptoms can transmit the disease. It can also be spread by touching a surface that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. Symptoms of COVID are fever, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, sudden loss of smell or taste, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, or rash.

Important Resources:

CDC Coronavirus Info 

EPYSA Return to Play Guidance

Purpose: This plan addresses the procedures SPYA Soccer will implement to limit the spread of COVID-19. It meets the guidelines established by Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer (EPYS) and the CDC. This guidance is preliminary and will be updated as more public health data and guidance becomes available.


  • Club
  • Ensure soccer activities only happen in the “Green” phase.
  • The overall point of contact for Safe Return to Play plan/policy issues is Ray Cruz, Soccer Commissioner, (484) 866-2301.
  • In the event that a player or coach falls ill, the incident and the reaction plan (contact tracing and quarantining) will be communicated to anyone potentially in contact with the impacted player or coach (names withheld).
  • Sick players or coaches must quarantine as required by CDC/PA Dept. of Health (now 14 days).  They can only return with a documented doctor’s approval.
  • Track all sick players to ensure quarantine requirements are met.
  • Decide if specific teams or overall soccer activities should be shutdown based on illness rates/quarantine needs.
  • Develop, distribute and post the Safe Return to Play plan.
  • Train and educate all coaches, parents, and players about the Safe Return to Play plan.
  • Ensure fields are legally open by UMT and therefore properly insured.
  • Provide adequate field space for social distancing.
  • Provide practice and game schedules that prevent congregating.
  • Provide the coaches with a supply of sanitizing materials and gloves.
  • All club officials must wear masks when interacting with players, coaches and parents or when spectating (unless it jeopardizes the health of the individual).
  • Indoor team training is not yet authorized. Individual virtual sessions are permitted.
  • Coaches
    • Follow all Safe Return to Play
    • Coaches will not come to practice if sick.
  • Perform the PRE-TRAINING SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE prior to attending any club sanctioned event (practice, camp, game, etc.). If yes is answered to any question on the questionnaire, do not attend the sanctioned event.
  • Ensure all athletes have their own individual equipment.
  • Ensure practice activities provide adequate social distancing to include during warmups, breaks, on the bench, and team talks.
  • Wash hands for 20 seconds or utilize hand sanitizer before, during and after team practice and games. Bring extra hand sanitizer with you to every training.
  • Sanitize all shared equipment prior to and after every practice.
  • Practice social or physical distancing throughout practice and games, to include breaks and on bench. Place player bags/equipment at least 10 feet apart to aid in this separation.
  • Scrimmage vests must be washed after every session.  Consider providing each player with their own.
  • All coaches must wear masks during practices and games (unless it jeopardizes the health of the individual).
  • Cover coughs or sneezes with a sleeve or elbow, not hands.
  • Only one coach may attend to an injured player.  The coach must wear a mask and gloves.
  • Supply your coach bag with a medical kits, extra gloves, extra masks, and sanitizer.
  • Coaches will maintain a signed copy of the Return to Play Policy Acknowledgement Form and the EPYSA Communicable Disease Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement for each player.
  • Only coaches may touch or move equipment. Players do not touch or move equipment.
  • Be positive, fun and engaging. Help the children acclimate and reintegrate.
  • Parents
    • If you are not comfortable having your child return to play, then please keep them home this season. There will be another opportunity to play in the future and we will welcome them back at that time.
    • Sign the Return to Play Policy Acknowledgement Form and the EPYSA Communicable Disease Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement. Participation in any club / team event will not be allowed without these signed forms.
    • Ensure your child is healthy and check your child’s temperature before activities with others. If your child becomes ill for any reason, please do not send them to training and notify your coach.
    • Sanitize all personal player equipment (cleats, balls, shin guards, etc.) prior to and after any team activity.
    • Stay in car or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements. Please minimize time on or near the fields during practices. All parents must wear masks when on the field for a training or game (unless it jeopardizes the health of the individual).
    • Carpooling players is not recommended.
    • Do not assist your coach with equipment before or after training.
    • Be sure your child has necessary sanitizing products with them at every training.
    • If anyone in your household has tested positive to COVID-19, please notify soccer@spya.com or Ray Cruz (484-866-2301) immediately.
    • In alignment with Pennsylvania Travel Mandates, if your player has traveled to any state on the list, the player may not attend any club / team event, game or practice for 14 days. Please notify your child’s coach of any vacation or travel plans to determine your return to play date.
    • Support SPYA Soccer’s mission to ensure the safety of all players, coaches, and spectators by following all protocols and encouraging a positive team culture.


  • Players
    • If you are not comfortable with returning to play, please know that there will be another opportunity to play later when you are ready. We will welcome you back whenever that time comes.
    • Do not come to practice if you are sick. Notify your coach immediately if you start to feel sick at practice.
    • Perform the PRE-TRAINING SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE prior to attending any club-sanctioned event (practice, camp, game, etc.). If yes is answered to any question on the questionnaire, notify your coach and do not attend the sanctioned event.
    • Wash hands for 20 seconds or utilize hand sanitizer before, during and after team practice and games. Bring hand sanitizer with you to every training.
    • Sanitize and/or wash all of your own equipment prior to and after every practice.
    • Do not touch or share food, water, or equipment with teammates.
    • Practice social distancing (6 feet apart) from teammates as required by your coach during practices and games
    • Help practice social or physical distancing by placing bags and equipment at least 10 feet apart.
    • No celebratory physical contact such as high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, and group huddles are allowed.
    • Chewing gum and spitting are not allowed.
    • Cover coughs or sneezes with your sleeve or elbow, not your hands.
    • Players must wear a mask before and immediately after all training.   Players will wear a mask when not involved in soccer activities or on the bench (if not socially distanced).  Player may wear mask during activity at parents’ discretion. CDC recommends masks be stored in breathable container or paper bag when not being worn.
    • Do not assist your coach with equipment before or after training.
    • Take your temperature daily and especially before activities with others.
    • Follow all CDC guidelines as well those of your local health authorities.
    • Self quarantine for 14 days (no participation or attendance at any club or team event, game or practice) if you have traveled to any state on the Pennsylvania Travel Mandates

Return to Play Stages:

Stage 1

  • Only SPYA activity may begin. Play is limited to our currently registered players and coaches. This includes the 19-20 season and players who have registered with your club for 20-21.
  • There will be small group training only – see field limits above.
  • There will be no competitions (league play or tournaments).
  • There will be no activities with body contact.
  • We will focus on endurance, strength and soccer skills during this stage.
  • If reported exposures or a positive case occurs, a club’s protocols should be engaged immediately.
  • We will do this stage for 2-3 weeks (no later than August 1). It is designed for re-acclimating to players to training and developing new habits, as well as for viewing any symptoms and the possible need for tracing and tracking. We will be guided in the timing of stage changes by EPYS.

Stage 2

  • If there have been no significant outbreaks, we enter Stage 2.
  • Full teams may be integrated for training.
  • Body contact is allowed in training.
  • Scrimmages, friendlies may be played within our club.
  • There will be no competitions, i.e. league play or tournaments.
  • We will focus on acclimating players to build up to competitive play. We will train appropriately to reduce the risk of injury.
  • If reported exposures or a positive case occurs, a club’s protocols should be engaged immediately.
  • We will do this stage for 2-3 weeks (no later than August 21). It is designed for players’ acclimating physically.

Stage 3

  • If there have been no significant outbreaks, we enter Stage 3.
  • Typical pre-season activity may occur
  • Scrimmages, friendlies may be played with clubs from any Green county.
  • Local protocols and procedures should be shared with any visiting team.
  • It is strongly recommended that we stay local. Limiting travel still recommended
  • No inter-state travel permitted. Teams must stay within Pennsylvania.

Stage 4

  • Announced and guided by EPYS (timing not estimated).
  • Most Government restrictions have been lifted.
  • Eastern Pennsylvania member leagues may operate in full and may accept out of state teams provided they are from an open state and meet that state’s criteria to travel
  • Teams will be permitted to participate in out of state or regional leagues, provided the game will be played in an open state.
  • Teams will be permitted to participate in out of state tournaments provided the tournament will be played in an open state.
  • Travel outside of your area with caution. Limited travel is still recommended.







Every player and coach must answer honestly the following pre-training questions before every team event and notify the coach if any answer is YES.

  1. Have you had any close contact with a sick individual or anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

YES _____         NO _____

  1. Have you had a documented case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

YES _____         NO _____

  1. Are you currently demonstrating or suffering from any ill symptoms?

YES _____         NO _____

  1. Are you currently experiencing a temperature of 100.4 or higher (temperature must be taken within 1 hr of event)?

YES _____         NO _____


South Parkland Youth Association (SPYA) Soccer will be required to prohibit any player, coach, or manager from entering the training ground if any question above has been answered YES.



Appendix II: Acknowledgement of Return To Play Protocols

South Parkland Youth Soccer (SPYA) Soccer COVID-19 Return-to-Play Acknowledgement and Consent

For Parents:


I declare that I have read, fully understand and agree to comply with SPYA Soccer’s Return-to-Play plan.

  • I acknowledge that my child is voluntarily returning to club activities and I will fulfill the duties outlined in the Parent Responsibilities section of the Return to Plan Policy.
  • I agree to honestly follow the at home pre-training responsibilities prior to every team function and keep my child home from any team function when experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • I agree to following the notification protocols and consult a physician when experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. I will immediately notify my child’s head coach in the event myself or a member of my household has a positive or presumed positive COVID-19 case.

______________________________________                   ______________________________________________
Player Name                                                                            Date

______________________________________                   ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature                                                 Printed Name


For Any SPYA Soccer Team Volunteer (Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager) :


I declare that I have read, fully understand and agree to comply with SPYA Soccer’s Return-to-Play plan.

  • I acknowledge that I am voluntarily returning to club activities and I will fulfill the duties outlined in the Coach / Staff Responsibilities section of the Return to Plan Policy.
  • I agree to honestly follow the at home pre-training responsibilities prior to every team function and stay home from any team function when experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • I agree to following the notification protocols and consult a physician when experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. I will immediately notify the soccer commissioner in the event myself, a member of my household has a positive or presumed positive COVID-19 case. I will immediately notify the soccer commissioner if I am notified of any positive or presumed positive COVID-19 case for one of my team players or player’s family members.

______________________________________                   ______________________________________________
Player Name                                                                            Date

______________________________________                   ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature                                                 Printed Name






In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in any program, event or activity sponsored or sanctioned by the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association, I the undersigned, acknowledge, appreciate, and agree that:

I am aware there are risks to me of exposure to directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to, by, or resulting from an outbreak of any and all communicable disease, including but not limited to, the virus “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)”, which is responsible for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and/or any mutation or variation thereof.


I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS THE EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION, its member clubs and affiliates; its officers, officials, agents and/or employees (RELEASEES), from any and all claims, demands, losses, and liability arising out of or related to any ILLNESS, INJURY, DISABILITY OR DEATH I may suffer, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.




X________________________________________________   ________   ______________

Participant’s Signature                                                                          Age                     Date



This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liability incidents to my minor child’s involvement or participation in these programs as provided above, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

X_____________________________     ___________       _________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature                                    Date       Emergency Phone Number(s)