South Parkland Youth Association COVID19 Health and Safety Plan

updated 7-14-20

The main route of transmission for COVID-19 is through respiratory droplets released when people talk, yell, cough, or sneeze. The virus may also spread when droplets land on surfaces and then are transferred to hands and then to the nose or mouth, causing infection. Personal prevention practices are imperative to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Our primary objective at SPYA is to abide by all guidelines and restrictions set forth by the Penn- sylvania state government and the CDC in order to provide a safe environment for all of our ath- letes and families. With that in mind, participation in athletics has always involved an unavoidable exposure to inherent risk of injury and/or infection. To effectively minimize the risk of contamination , everyone involved must understand and respect the intent and objectives of the rules and guide- line set forth.

Promoting Behaviors that Reduce Spread

* Staying Home when Appropriate

If a player/coach/parent thinks they are sick, stay home! Specifically: symptoms of acute respiratory disease (ex cough, sore throat, shortness of breath), fever, sudden loss of smell or taste, OR been diag- nosed with COVID19. If a coach, administrator, or official has a concern about a player’s health, they have the ability to send the player home.

All coaches/players/parents that have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 MUST stay home and may only return after 14 days of self-quarantining.

All coaches/players/parents must stay home if they have tested positive for or are showing COVID-19 symptoms.

As per Pennsylvania guidelines, all coaches/players/parents are asked to self-quarantine for 14 days if you have traveled to any area where there are high amounts of COVID19 cases. This includes the follow- ing states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Lou- isiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah.

* Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette

Coaching staff will promote frequent use of hand hygiene through the use of hand sanitizer during breaks in practice or games.

Players are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer, but hand sanitizer will also be available to each team coach for use within practices and games.

Activities that increase the risk of exposure to salvia are not allowed including chewing gum, spitting, licking fingers, and eating sunflower seeds.

All players and coaches should avoid any unnecessary physical conduct such as high fives, hand- shakes, or fist bumps.

No team huddles should take place – utilize social distance whenever possible on sidelines and dur- ing individual skill practice.

* Utilizing Face Coverings

All adult staff (coaches, parent volunteers, etc) will wear face coverings unless doing so jeopardizes their health.

Players will wear face coverings when participating in an activity and social distancing protocols can- not be maintained (sidelines, dugouts, weigh-ins, etc)

* Social Distancing for Spectators and Parents
All federal, state, and local county guidelines in accordance to mass gatherings must be followed.

Parents and spectators must follow government social distancing and face covering guidelines. It is recommended that spectators remain in vehicle during practice, but if they wish to be present, they must maintain adequate social distance at all times and must be far enough away from the team so that they are not counted as part of the gathering. Spectators should also wear a face covering any time they are near the area of play.

Spectators and parents that are not in compliance with social distancing and face covering guidelines will be asked to leave the area.

Maintaining Healthy Environments

* Shared Objects

Sharing will be limited. No one is permitted to share any personal items brought from home including equipment and water bottles.

All players/coaches will keep their belongings separate from others’ and placed in designated areas.

Maintaining Healthy Operations

* Designated COVID-19 Point of Contact
South Parkland Youth Association has designated Dave Kentner (, SPYA President, as the primary point of contact for COVID19 issues for all SPYA programs.

* Communication Systems

Privacy is important to SPYA. Any player, coach, or family must self-report to their individual sports commissioner if they have symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or were exposed to some- one with COVID-19 within the last 14 days in accordance with health and information sharing regulations for COVID-19. Appropriate actions, temporary closures, etc as per CDC guidelines will be followed.

If a COVID19 incident is reported to a coach or sports commissioner, it is the responsibility of that in- dividual to ensure that the incident is reported to the COVID19 SPYA Point of Contact and that all exposed members of the sports program are alerted. All illness and quarantine protocols must be followed by ex- posed parties.

* Illness Protocol

Coaches, Players, and parents must stay home if they are not feeling well.

If an athlete or coach starts experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 during a team session, they will be sent home immediately.

The player or coach will not be able to return until the results of their COVID testing have returned. Any positively screened individual should not return until they have documentation demonstrating the SARS-CoV-2 test was negative or a note from their healthcare provider indicating they do not need to be tested and their symptoms are not due to COVID-19.

* Positive COVID-19 Cases

Consistent with applicable law and privacy policies, coaches, players, and families of athletes (as feasible) will self-report to the individual sports commissioner if they have symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days in accordance with health information sharing regulations for COVID-19, and other applicable laws and regulations.

All those who had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 (within 48 hours prior to symptom onset) will be advised to stay home and self-monitor for symptoms and be advised to follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop. Individuals with close contacts will be excluded from practice/games for 14 days. Close contact is defined as having close (within 6 ft) and prolonged (> 15 minutes) contact with a COVID-19 patient.

Areas and equipment used by a sick person will be off limits until after it has been cleaned and disin- fected.

* Returning to Sports following COVID-19 Diagnosis

An individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19 may return when all four of the following criteria are met: * When 2 negative COVDI-19 tests 24 hours apart are obtained and/or public health clearance.
* Individual has improvement in respiratory symptoms (ex cough, shortness of breath)
* At least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

* Written documentation of clearance from a health care provider.

Cooperation and Responsibility

Each stakeholder as outlined below has a responsibility to cooperate within the framework of this plan.

SPYA Board of Directors

* Post COVID19 Health and Safety Plan on SPYA Website.
* Train and educate all Individual Sports Commissioners on COVID19 Health and Safety Plan. * Stay informed about Federal, State, and Local restrictions and guidelines.
* Ensure that any COVID19 incident is accurately reported and all exposed parties are notified.

SPYA Individual Sports Commissioner

  • Distribute and post COVID19 Health and Safety Plan.
  • Train and educate all coaches, parents, and players about COVID19 Health and Safety Plan.
  • Provide adequate field space for social distancing.
  • Provide all needed sanitizing materials to teams.
  • Ensure that any COVID19 incident is accurately reported to the SPYA Point of Contact and all exposed parties are notified.


  • Follow the SPYA COVID19 Health and Safety Plan.
  •  Wear a face covering at all times unless doing so jeopardizes their health.
  • Send athletes home if they are not feeling well and communicate this to SPYA Individual Sports Commissioner and/or the designated SPYA COVID point of contact.
  • Notify SPYA Individual Sports Commissioner and/or SPYA COVID Point of Contact if a player becomes ill, has symptoms of COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone with COVID19 within the last 14 days.
  • Ensure all athletes have their own individual equipment.
  • Ensure activities provide adequate social distancing and/or players utilize face coverings when needed.


  • If you are not comfortable having your child return to play, then please keep them home this season. There will be another opportunity to play in the future and we will welcome them back at that time.
  • Follow the SPYA COVID19 Health and Safety Plan and adhere to all policies.
  • Ensure all personal player equipment is sanitized prior to any team activity.
  •  Notify SPYA Individual Sports Commissioner and/or coach if your child or anyone is your family becomes ill, has symptoms of COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
  • Adhere to all social distancing and face masking expectations while on the sidelines.
  • Support SPYA’s mission to ensure the safety of all players, coaches, and spectators by following all protocols and encouraging a positive team culture.


  • If you are not comfortable with returning to play, please know that there will be another opportu- nity to play later when you are ready. We will welcome you back whenever that time comes.
  • Follow the SPYA COVID19 Health and Safety Plan and adhere to all policies.
  • Wash hands and utilize hand sanitizer before, during, and after team activities.
  • Ensure that you bring all of your own equipment to each practice and that it is sanitized prior to arrival.
  • Place your personal equipment 6 feet apart from teammates.
  • Do not share food, water, or equipment with teammates.
  • Respect and practice social distancing as required in these guidelines.

No celebratory physical contact such as high fives, handshakes, knuckles, or group huddles.


  • Pennsylvania State Guidance for All Sports Permitted to Operate During the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency to Ensure the Safety and Health of Employees, Athletes and the Public; https://
  • CDC Considerations for Youth Sports; schools-childcare/youth-sports.html
  • Parkland School District Athletic Health and Safety Plan;
  • South Whitehall Township COVID-19 Guiding Principles;





South Parkland Youth Association COVID19 Health and Safety Plan edited 7-14-20

I have read the above South Parkland Youth Association COVID19 Health and Safety Plan, and I agree to uphold all protocols and policies set forth. As a parent/guardian, I will do my best to help my child to understand and follow these protocols as well.

I understand that if I am found not following these protocols, I may be asked to withdraw from the season in question.


Parent/Guardian Signature



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