2024 Fall/Winter basketball registration is now open til 11/2/24
Hi Spya Families,
The 2024 Fall/Winter basketball registration is now open til 11/2/24
- Travel tryouts/Recreational Optional Tryouts will be posted to website in next few weeks, once gym time is confirmed: Any player that doesn’t make travel will be placed on a recreational team
- Program is K-12: The season starts in NOV/DEC with 1-2 practices a week and one game a week once games start
- Travel starts practices in NOVEMBER games IN DEC
- Rec starts practices in December and Games in JAN 2023
- Practices and Games will be at Parkland Gyms
- This registration is for RECREATIONAL & TRAVEL Basketball
- Register your player in the grade they are attending THIS YEAR
- Coaches needed please email me if interested Jtatmt1@gmail.com
- Official start dates will be sent once registration closes
SPYA policy is no refunds, if you signup and there is a spot for your child there will be np refund issued